Actually this new vector is a part of my client order. My client orders his photo with camera to me to convert it into vector. So, after he paid some money, I started to work on it. The longest time is drawing camera part. Cause, I can't just do it simple, I have to do little bit detail because I don't want people can not recognize the camera.
After about one hour, I finished draw the camera. I play with shadow and lighting, so it looks real. You can check image below:
So... Yeah it's a tired job, but it's OK because I love to do it. After I finished all vector, my eyes can't stand open again. So, you can guess how long I sleep after that. It's about 10 hours I spend to sleep only!
OK, to make you happy, I will share that camera vector file below. Just feel free to download it. Thanks for coming and reading and downloading.
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